Oatmeal is a very popular and easy to prepare dish, which is usually eaten at breakfast time. Starting the day with warm porridge is a good way to stimulate our digestive system. Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, thanks to which it is easily digestible and can saturate our body for a long time. How to make oatmeal?
As a standard, we prepare porridge using milk, however, as modern research indicates, consumption of animal milk can have a negative effect on our body – besides, many people do not tolerate lactose contained in dairy products.
- 1 cup oat flakes
- incomplete 2 cups of boiling water
- pinch of salt
The cooking time depends on the type of cereal. Whole grain flakes are cooked for the longest time, short-grain flakes from broken grains are cooked fastest oat flakes.
Night version – full-grain and mountain flakes
Boils water, I throw flakes, salt, mix until boiling. I cover the lid, cook for 2 minutes. I turn off the gas and leave the petals to swell overnight. In the morning I heat them with milk or water.
Cereal version to cook in the morning
Boils water, throw flakes, salt, mix until boiling and then. Flakes are boiling over easily! I cook about 15-20 minutes. I turn off the gas, add milk or water to the cereal and serve it.

Oatmeal not only on milk
A lighter and healthier version of standard porridge is simply the preparation of oatmeal on the water. To prepare oat flakes with water, just keep the right proportions, which depend on your preferences – if we want our porridge to have a firm consistency, we use the principle of 1 tablespoon of oat flakes for 2 tablespoons of water, otherwise you should just add more water. Oatmeal normally cook a few minutes, but it depends primarily on the type of our oatmeal.
The whole phenomenon of our porridge is that each day it may taste completely different – it all depends on the ingredients we add during cooking, or after cooking the oatmeal on water.
We can add to porridge:
- dried fruits,
- fresh fruit,
- nuts,
- cinnamon,
- dark chocolate
- protein powder
- honey.